Monday, September 5, 2011

Windows Phone will be No. 2 smartphone OS by 2015 according to Gartner, IDC

According to research reports from Gartner and IDC, Microsoft’s Windows Phone operating system will grab about 20% of the smartphone market by 2015, enough to propel the OS past Apple’s iOS platform to take the No. 2 spot globally. Research firm Gartner believes Android will have a 49% market share in 2015, followed by Windows Phone at 19.5%, and Apple’s iOS growth will slow so much that it will only maintain a 17% share. IDC believes Windows Phone will have a 20.3 percent share in 2015. During the IFA trade show in Berlin on Friday, Windows Phone marketing head Achim Berg told Bloomberg those Windows Phone growth estimates are conservative. “This is a completely new platform, it takes time,” Berg


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