Monday, October 31, 2011

HTC takes top smartphone spot in U.S. according to Q3 data from Canalys

Samsung blew past Apple and Nokia in the third quarter to become the No. 1 smartphone vendor in the world, but another emerging smartphone vendor stole the top spot in the U.S. according to a new report. Market research firm Canalys on Monday released country-level smartphone shipment estimates and according to its figures, HTC shipped 5.7 million own-brand smartphones and another 700,000 T-Mobile-branded handsets in the U.S. last quarter to take the top spot with 6.4 million total devices shipped. Samsung shipped 4.9 million smartphones in the U.S. last quarter according to Canalys, and Apple shipped 4.6 million iPhones to slide to the No. 3 spot. “However you count it, HTC has become a deserved leader in the US smart


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